
The Winding Roadies are comprised of Ali, chief blog author, and Dan, chief technologist and editor.  We are educators living in Mid-coast Maine, where we garden, tackle old house projects, and keep a few hens in the backyard.  We are two educators taking advantage of our unpaid summer vacations to travel and see the country.  You can leave us a comment or send an e-mail to windingroadies @ gmail.com.  Thanks for visiting.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Dan and Ali,
    Love the pictures! The kids are fine and the lawn looks good. All is well with the universe.


    • Hi Bill and Michelle,
      And those are just some of the pics!! Visit the Flickr account too. Most of them will have a map associated with the photo. Click the maps and Google Earth will take care of the rest!

      Glad to hear the kids are behaving. I’m sure Ocho loves the company and Mercedes has someone to scowl at. Paisley… well, Paisley misses her mother and probably won’t come out of hiding anytime soon.

      Thanks for checking on the mowing too. Mom said he was there last Thursday. She’ll be up again to make a deposit on Thursday for another round for Travis.


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